THE Eternal Grand Adventure

The Book of Endurance, Love, and Eternal Adventure!

See What Others Are Saying

This book was an incredible help to me. It proved that I wasn't alone in my experiences.
Terrific book to cuddle up with!! This is one of the best books that I read in many years. I was both happy and sad as I read of their most private moments. Never give up as you never know how the adventure of your life may end or who you will spend it with. How I wish there was a second book as I would begin reading it tonight !!!!
The Eternal Grand Adventure tells a very special story of God working in the hearts of Dave and Susan as He brought them together and ultimately as He brought them to Himself. This heartwarming, beautifully-written book will have you in laughter and in tears, as you walk alongside Dave and Susan while they share what God has done in their lives. It will encourage and remind you that God is indeed the Author of our lives and, yes, of your own eternal grand adventure.
A testimonial of amazing love, faith, and patience. The depth of love from both authors for our Father in heaven ... the open display of their faith... and the patience that led them to one another... all written with passion and humor and, at times, gripping pain. I laughed out loud, and I cried real tears. I read of true love on many levels. I read of unextinguishable faith and enviable patience. It’s a journey that needed to be shared. I so enjoyed reading it.
I knew David and was his co-worker for many years during the time he lost his wife! He lived in such grief, until he met his 2nd wife and found love again! They was able to publish this book and while reading it I feel his presence & his laughter & love! Unfortunately David passed away but Susan will have this book to remind her of him daily!

Join co-authors Dave and Susan and walk through the pages of this book. See how their lives came together in a collision of a lifetime, despite living two very different lives hundreds of miles apart. Walk hand in hand with them and share their laughter and tears through the journey of their lives. See how Dave transitioned from an introverted childhood nerd to having an unexpected career and finding a wonderful wife. Share the experiences of Susan as a third-grade schoolteacher and feel her grieving heart as she sits for decades in the waiting room yearning for a husband and a family of her own. Be as surprised as they were to see how their very different lives collided from so far apart, allowing them to marry and share the fabulous marriage that they now enjoy together. So come now and accept their invitation to see and walk with them as they share with you their very most intimate memories of the first part of their Eternal Grand Adventure.

Pray Together

The Bible tells us that in this world, we will have troubles. Jesus never promises us happiness, marriage, kids, health, fairness, or that the plans we make will come true. What He does promise is that we will never go through any of the ups and downs alone. We can bring everything to Him in prayer. If you are needing prayer, please let us walk along side you in prayer.

Seek a Greater Adventure

This book will allow you to learn from Dave and Susan’s Grand Adventure through singleness, marriage, hardships, successes, extreme struggles, and incredible joy. There is so much to be learned throughout this book. So are you ready?

The Collision of a Lifetime

Despite living two very different lives, hundreds of miles apart. Walk hand in hand with them and share their laughter and tears through the journey of their lives.